In this project, we are asked to take the pictures that we like ourselves, and then warp one of the image into the other using the Homography computed by the chosen correspondeing points. And then blend/stitch the image together to get a mosaic of the images.
This seems like an easy task, but this task is really the root of having a good results. There are several things that you need to be careful when taking the picture:
Some Examples:
Just like what we did in project 3. In order for the warping to work, we
need consistent labeling point on both images. Which we need to define
the correspondence manually on different items and elements in the
In this case, I tried to use barebone
funtion at first, which works fine and it only required several lines of
code. The problem is, you will need to redo the whole choosing process
if you make mistakes in the middle. And you also need to write extra
code to save the correspondeing points into a json file for future use.
So I instead just used
labeling tool that is provided in the project 3 assignment specs for
labeling the correspondence. And it provide the feature that allow the
users to delete any points they chose during the choosing process, which
is really convenient. It automatically save the correspondeing points
into a json file as well.
Note: For the next part, you need to choose at least 4 points to compute the Homography. And if you are taking your picture using iphone, which I did. I will suggest you should shrink the image for choosing points and for later warping and blending as well. This is because the original picture taken by iphone is too big, it will then cause your warping and blending a lot of time.
Suggestion: Generally. more correspondency is better. But if you have some good pictures for easy registration and correspondency, you can still get a good results with less points (at least 4!)
Corresponding Points Examples:
How can we warp one image into alignment of the other image? Which we will need to compute the Homoraphy between 2 images' correspondency that we chose in the previous part. Where H (Homography) is a 3 by 3 matrix with 8 degree of freedom (last element is scale). Here are the hand written notes of mine about how to compute the Homogeaphy base on the correspondency points:
Homogeaphy details:
After you have the above equations setup, you can solve the matrix easily by using least square solution
Note: We can now see why we need at least 4 correspondencies to solve a homograhpy. And the above equations are only for 1 correspondency. For more Correspondencies, just stack more left most matrix with different x1, x2, y1, y2 vertically.
Suggestion: For sanity check, you can call one of the functions that is prohibited (ex. cv2.findHomography) as stated in project spec to see whether the H you computed is correct or not. It is normal that the results you have will be a little different than the one you get from the function. But don't worry about it if it is really small.
Now we know how to compute the Homography, we can use the Homography that we computed to warp an image to the reference image. Here are my hand written notes about how to wap image:
warping details:
Note: In the warping function, whenever you apply homography or inverse homograhpy, you need to devide the warped coordinates by the corresponding scale w (which is the w shown in the above homograhpy section).
Suggestion: Just like the homography, you can call something like cv2.warpPerspective for sanity check. Which the result may be different because the function may cut off the image if there are negative coordinates after warping. But the function I implement shows the whole warped image
Here comes the part where you can test whether your code for homograhpy and warping are correct or not (if you didn't use the sanity check). What we need to do here is bascially take a picture with some rectangle objects in the scene and define a rectangle area by yourself so that you can compute the homography base on the points you choose around the rectnagle objects in the scenes and the rectangle area you define yourself (I used [[0, 0], [200, 0], [200, 200], [0, 200]] here myself).
My result:
Original Image:
Rectified Image:
Original Image:
Rectified Image:
You can now observe that, the result image is just like looking right into the object instead of from the side in the original image.
Note: If your result image is not stable or not good enough, you can try to choose more points on the rectangle instead of just using the 4 corners like I did. And if your original image is taken from a really off angle, your result image will look good only in a small portion of the image, all other parts will look really stretched. You can crop the image for only the good part for the result.
Suggestion: if you know your original rectangle object's shape (height, width proportion), you can also define your rectangle into the same proportion for a better result (like instead of using a 200 * 200 square, I should probably use some other rectangle shape if I kow the exact proportion since ipad is not a square, but this is not requied).
After you got your rectification working, which means your codes for homograhpy and warping are working as well. We can now get into the main idea of this ptoject (project 4a), which is image mosaic. The idea is really easy, you first warp one image to the reference image. and blend the warped image and the reference image into a big mosaic. The idea of warping image is the same as image rectification, but instead of using a rectangle that you define yourself, you use the correspondency points to compute homography. And for the blending part, I just use my code from project 2 and tweak it a little to blend the image using the mask I create.
My result:
Original Image 1:
Original Image 2:
Blended Image:
Original Image 1:
Original Image 2:
Blended Image:
Original Image 1:
Original Image 2:
Blended Image:
Note: Since when we warp one image to the reference image, there are some translation happening (like mentioned in the above section). We need to keep track of that translation and apply that to the reference image as well when perform blending.
Suggestion: Although alpha blending (channel) is also mentioned in the project spec, I think Laplacian pyramid blending generally performs better for blending and easier to implement since you have went through that already in project 2. You probably just need a little modification in the code.
Q: How do you define the overall output size for the mosaic?
A: Which is a really similar idea as how you determine the ouput size for a warped image. But in this case, instead of considering only 4 warped points (corners) of the warped image, you need to consider the translation and the 4 points (corners) of the reference image as well. Here are some example pictures:
Example points you need to consider for the ouput mosaic size:
Just like image warping, you now find the min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y using all the points and define the output mosaic size.
Q: How do you create the irregular mask for blending?
A: For this part, I personally think it is a little bit hard to understand. But in general, we need to use some method like cv2.distanceTransform() to get the distance transform for both pictures. And use them to create the mask by comparing 2 distance transform image.
Example distance transform images:
Example masks for blending
What we do here is bascially just compare the 2 distance transform image to create the masks. At a given pixel, if distance transform on the left is greater than the distance transform on the right, we assign the the mask pixel to be 1, otherwise 0. The other mask the same lgoic, but for distance transform on the right is greater than the left. After you get the masks, you can assign one of the mask to be the reverse mask in Laplacian blending, and blend them exactly like how we did in project2.
Note: As you can see, the distance transform image is based on the entire output mosaic size with only one of the image instead of just the images itself. The original images that you feed into cv2.distanceTransform() should be something like this for creating the mask.
In the second part of this project, we are technically doing the exact same thing as part A in general, but we now implement the entire process to be autonomous so that we don't need to define the correspondency ourselves manually. For more details about the algorithm and logic that we are implementing, please refer to this paper that is provided in the project spec. Note that you may find out that we skip some details here in our own implementation.
As the first step, we need to find all the potential points in both images (or more if you want to do a larger mosaic) that may be served as the correspondency. Over here, we implement a Harris corner detector to detect all the corners in the image. Luckily, we are provided with some starter code that we don't need to implement the harris corner detector ourselves. Here are the results:
Harris Corner Example
Note: Since the Harris corner method that provided to us only accept an image with one channel, so please remember to grayscale your image before throwing that into the harris corner function call.
But as you can porbably tell, there are too many possible points that we can choose right now, and we don't need all these points. In order to deal with the issue, we implement ANMS algorithm to get the points that are strong and also distribute across the entire image.
Corners after ANMS Example (300 points):
The idea of ANMS is really easy. Basically, all the points that you see in the images right now are the "strongest" in the circle area with some radius of r. The strength is the h value that the provided harris corner method return corresponding to each coordinates. And we find all the r that satisfy the following formula: \( r_i = \min_{j} \, \lvert \vec{x}_i - \vec{x}_j \rvert \;, s.t. h(\vec{x}_i) < c_{\text{robust}} \, h(\vec{x}_j) \). And \(c_{\text{robust}} = 0.9\) (specified in the paper). After you find a r for all points, you can now sort the coordinates in descending order (from high to low) using r, and specify how many points you want. In my case here, I have 300 points. And you can see that the points are well distributed over the entire image.
Note: You can vectorize the calculation using the dist2() method that is given in the same starter code as the harris corner detector. Which will be a lot faster than the navie idea of using 2 nested for loops. But I personally do the latter since it makes more sense to me. And it takes roughly 2 ~ 3 min to run for the 2 images combined.
After we have the potential points, we can now start to find the correspondency. But beofre that, we need to implement feature descriptor to get the image patches around each coordinates so that we can compare each patches to see whether they are the match or not. The idea is easy, we first blur the entire image for anti-aliasing. And for each points, we extract the 40 * 40 pixels area around it as a patch, and resize the patch to 8 * 8. For every patch, we need to bias/gain-normalize them.
Example patches after normalization:
Note: As you can see, I grayscale my patches here like mentioned in the paper, but I also heard a lot of cases where keep the RGB produces better result, so you can try both to see which is better. And the patches you see in jupyter notebook should be more pixelated than what you see here. It is because plt.imsave() do somethng werid to smooth things out.
Since we already have all the patches we need, we can now match the patches by calculating euclidean distance between them. But instead of setting a threshold on the closest match, we use the "Lowe's trick" where we set a threshold on the ratio of first nearest neighbor error over the second nearest neighbor error (error here is the euclidean distance). This is because the error of the correct matches should be significantly lower than the incorrect matches. But the sclae of error varies a lot across the image depends on the appearance. So the Lowe's trick is more robust here.
Example Feature Matching:
As we can see, the matches are all correct and we have a lot less points compare to what we have at first. But if you compute the homography using all the points right now, it may still be off. (Sometime it may be close enough that you can just warp the image right away, but it is not robust). There are still some outliers, and we will get rid off them in the next section.
Note: Although I didn't do it, but for different set of images, you may need to adjust the threshold of the Lowe's trick.
As we saw in the last part, even after the the feature matching, there are still some outliers that will influence our computation of Homography. So in order to get rid off the outliers, we implement RANSAC algorithm, here are the steps:
Example Matching after RANSAC:
After you have the homograhpy computed using all the inliners in the leargest set, you can use the homography to warp and blend the image exactly like how we did in 4a. Here are some examples:
Comparison between manual stiching and auto stitching:
Manual Stitching:
Auto Stitching:
Manual Stitching:
Auto Stitching:
Manual Stitching:
Auto Stitching:
As you can see, the result of auto stitching actually is the same or even better quality than the manual stitching. This is because there are a lot of noises when we select the points manually for computing homography. Which is really obvious in the first set of image (cory 529), the manual stitching contains some artifacts in the top middle and the door is glitching a little bit. But the auto stitching version has no such issues.
Note: Although the suggested looping steps is 5000, you may need more if you still have a lot of points after feature matching or for a more robust searching. Also, the final homography you computed may be a little different from the Homography that you got from the manually chosen points, that is totally normal.
Suggestion: If your matching sets looks correct after RANSAC, but the images is still incorrect, the problem may caused by switched x and y coordinates. I personally need to switch the columns after RANSAC and before I compute the final Homography to get the correct result.
I think this project is really interesting, especially the second part. This is the first time that I get a chance to implement the algorithm and idea from reading a paper. Also, I think this project gives me a little introduction to my favorite topic - extended reality. The coolest thing I learn from this project is definitely RANSAC. It is like magic to me since the random search sound unreliable to me, but it turns out to work perfectly.